[SFGP] Announcement List For The San Francisco Green Party

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Thu Oct 16 23:44:32 PDT 2008

Friday, Oct. 17, 2008 

Send Announcement items to news at sfgreens.org
Please keep items brief; submissions may be edited for length and content

Green Party General Membership Meetings are scheduled 7-9 p.m. every Fourth Wednesday of the Month 
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets) 
Meeting Minutes Archive: http://www.sfgreenparty.org/events/minutes.gem


EVENTS (San Francisco, unless otherwise noted) 

* California First Amendment Coalition's Open Government Assembly: Oct. 17-18
UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism 
The annual Free Speech and Open Government Assembly brings together the best and brightest in law, journalism and public policy to discuss leading First Amendment issues of the day. Follow link to register (free) www.cfac.org/content/index.php/cfac-assembly/index

* Weekend Outreach to Elect Mark Sanchez to Board of Supervisors
- Saturday, Oct.18, 10:30 a.m.: Election Headquarters, 988 Valencia St.  Help canvass the neighborhood, door-knocking and phone banking this week!
- Sunday, Oct. 19, 10:30 a.m., 218 Andover Street - The Bernal Fiesta on the Hill is going to be a big push to reach the undecided voters in Bernal Heights!  Please wear your red Sanchez t-shirt and your enthusiasm.  It's going to be a fun-filled day on Cortland Avenue and children are welcomed.  This event goes till 5 p.m., and Mama Sanchez will have food prepared at her house nearby. As always, contact Luis Barahona to rsvp. 

* Help Re-Elect Milton Marks to the Board of Trustees for SF City College, Saturday, Oct. 18
With only a few more weeks to go before the Nov. 4 election, Milton Marks needs your help to distribute literature door-to-door in a final push, as absentee voters cast their votes and those who vote on Election Day consider their choices.  For meeting time and location, contact Milton at 846-1644, or miltonmarks at comcast.net. Visit www.miltonmarks.com to donate. 

* March and Rally for Social and Economic Justice for All: Sunday, Oct. 19
11:00 a.m. ­ Assemble at 16th St. and Mission; Noon ­ March down Mission Street; 1 p.m. ­ Rally at 24th and Mission streets. For more information, contact 863-1225 or sflivingwage at riseup.net. 

* Green Party General Membership Meetings: Oct. 22, 7-9 p.m.
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets) 
Meeting Minutes Archive: http://www.sfgreenparty.org/events/minutes.gem

* Yes on Prop K: Historic Town Hall Meeting, Thursday Oct. 30, 7-9 p.m.
First Unitarian Universalist Church, 1187 Franklin St.
Prop K would prioritize sex workers’ safety by calling on the police to vigorously enforce coercion, extortion, battery, rape and other violent crimes. Prop K calls for the decriminalization of prostitution following the recommendations of the path-breaking SF Task Force on Prostitution.  Info: 415-626-4114, sf at crossroadswomen.net, www.prostitutescollective.net, YesOnPropK.org.



Sunday's C-Span, 3rd-Party-Candidates Debate

Follow The Money Through The Pac Maze To Find PG&E And Downtown's Candidates 

Should Henry 'The Fox' Paulson Guard the Henhouse?

Md. Police Put Activists' Names On Terror Lists 

Make-Believe Maverick


The SF Green Party is putting together a Voter Guide for the fall election! We have put a lot of time and thought into our endorsements and would like to share our political analysis and ballot recommendations with Greens citywide and other allies. We are currently raising funds to cover printing and mailing costs.

Check our endorsements here:

And then go here to make a donation (credit cards accepted):

Or you can simply mail a check to:
San Francisco Green Party
1028A Howard St.
San Francisco, CA 94103

We can also use your help! If you are interested in helping with any aspects of the Voter Guide, including ballot write-ups, distribution, or fundraising you can email the County Council at cc at sfgreens.org or call Razzu on his cell at 510-387-5796.

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