[SFGP] Greenzine: Beach Chalet CEQA hearing! Save City College

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Tue Aug 13 20:05:07 PDT 2013

August 13, 2013
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events



SUPERIOR COURT Friday, August 16. A lawsuit was filed last year by the
SF Coalition for Children's Outdoor Play and other individuals,
regarding the Beach Chalet EIR. This suit will finally be heard in
court. See history in the making!  See item #2, below.

2. We can each DO something to make sure we keep City College SF!!
City College is open and accredited and we need your help to save the
school for good! Here are some things you can do:

 1) Attend and invite your friends to the Student Rally to Demand
 Mayor Lee Save CCSF, Tues. August 20, 4pm, Civic Center.

 2) Get involved: To volunteer, please contact info at saveccsf.org

 3) Join a Save CCSF Committee (Student, Outreach, Media, Lobby,
 Action): The meeting times/places can be found on our calender.
 4) Please sign and share the petition to Save CCSF!

 5) Inform yourself: www.saveccsf.org has a lot of great information,
 as does San Francisco Green Party and City College Facebook pages.

 6) Sign up for text updates by texting "follow saveccsfnow" to

3. Fall election Nov. 5, 2013.  Only District 4 (the Sunset) will have
an election for Supervisor this year. Also on the ballot are
candidates for the offices of City Attorney, Assessor-Recorder and
Treasurer - all are incumbents without any opposition.  There will
also be 4 ballot measures.  See http://www.sfelections.org or call
415-554-4375 for more information.  Register online with the Green
Party - http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/elections_vr.htm.

1. Wednesday August 14, 7 pm see the film "Black August" about the
1971 Prison revolt. 2969 Mission between 25th & 26th St. 1/2 blk from
24th St. BART; #14 bus, 49 Muni. see www.sfgreenparty.org calendar for
more details.
2. Friday Aug. 16, 9:45 am Golden Gate Park CEQA hearing to STOP the
astro-turf/highly lit soccer field privatized development! Courtroom
opens: 9:15 a.m. Come early to get a seat in the courtroom. Trial
starts: 9:45 a.m. Length of trial: Unknown - 2 to 4 hours Building
Location: SF Superior Court of Calif. 400 McAllister St.(Polk &
McAllister), Room location: Room 503, Courtroom of Judge Teri
L. Jackson (Dept 503). Attend and give silent witness to preserving
Golden Gate Park Attorneys will present the case; NO public
comment. Our presence will show the court how many people truly love
Golden Gate Park and want to protect the Park from this unnatural
development. Very important that we all dress well and act respectful
to the court and to all parties at this hearing.


  1. Come to the court hearing! Wear your Save Golden Gate Park

  2. Let us know that you will be there. Write to us at
  sfoceanedge at earthlink.net
  3. View the beautiful new video:"Beach Chalet Fields Renovation" on
  Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAhM4X8CPow

  4. For litigation information go to:
  (All Briefs are online---but difficult to open due to file size;
  keep trying)

Questions? Contact us at sfoceanedge at earthlink.net.

3. Sunday August 18th 11am-4pm Sunday Streets in the Tenderloin. Come
table with the SF Green Party. Register voters, hand out brochures and
educate on current issues.  We will be near the tables of our friends
Jobs With Justice and Save City College - near the corner of Golden
Gate and Leavenwort h.  To volunteer, please call Barry at
415-664-7754 or 415-255-9494 on the day of the event.

4. Wednesday August 21st, 7:30-9pm SF Green Party County Council
meeting at El Cafetazo, 3087 16th St. near Valencia; 1 1/2 blks from
16th/Mission BART. cc at sfgreens.org

5.  Wednesday August 28th, 7-9 pm SF Green Party Member meeting at El
Cafetazo, 3087 16th St. near Valencia. Everyone welcome.

6. Monday September 2nd, 2 pm Closing day for SF Mime Troupe "Gas &
Oil". free.  Dolores Park. Live music starts at 1:30 pm. Donations
7. Monday September 16th, 6-9 pm. Save the date to hear Jill Stein in
SF! Location TBA soon. Jill also speak at the Petaluma Progressive
Festival 9/15 between noon & 5 pm, and in LA 9/21.
www.sfgreenparty.org--click on Events in top left corner; click on
date on google calendar to get more information. To have Jill speak at
an event this same week, contact June Brashares, 415-425-3733.

Historical Dates of interest:

Aug. 1, 1976:1st civil disobedience action against US nuclear

Aug. 3, 1905: Birth of Maggie Kahn, founder of Gray Panthers.

Aug. 5, 1964:US War Sec. McNamara admits "20 classifications exist
  above "Top Secret".

Aug. 6, Hiroshima Day--US needlessly drops 1st atomic weapon on large
  city/Japanese people knowing war was over and that there were over
  100 US POWs held there.

Aug. 8, 1860: Emiliano Zapata, Mexican revolutionary leader born.

Aug. 8, 1976: Farmers block nuclear reactor equipment en route to
  Malville, France.  24 arrested; that evening, 300 people surround
  police paddy wagons forcing release.

Aug. 9, Nagasaki Day--US needlessly drops 2nd atomic bomb on Japanese

Aug. 9, Eidul-Fitr--Feast of the breaking of the fast/Ramadan. Islam.

Aug. 10, Victims of Agent Orange Commemoration Day (brought to us by

Aug. 11, 1873 J.Rosamund Johnson born. Composer of Black National
  Anthem, "Lift Every Voice"

Aug. 14, 1935 President F.D.Roosevelt signs Social Security Act to
  improve economic security of retirees & unemployed. Keep your Hands
  off our Social Security, Obama and Democrats!!!

Aug. 16, 1914 3,000 anti-war socialists demonstrate against WWI,
  Buffalo, NY.

Aug. 16, 1969 Woodstock, first mass counter-culture festival.

Aug. 19, 1953 CIA-backed coup ousts Iranian Prime minister Muhammad
  Mossadegh after he begins to nationalize oil resources. Repressive
  Shah installed which leads to Islamic revolution of 1979 and
  understandable hostility towards US.

Aug. 22, 1791 Slave revolt sparks Haitian revolution. And the struggle

Aug. 24, 1948 Edith Mae Irby becomes U. of Arkansas first Black

Aug. 25, 1925 A. Randolph founds Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
  in Oakland.

Aug. 25, 1945 One million Vietnamese demonstrate in Saigon/support Ho
  Chi Minh.

Aug. 26, 1920 Equality Day. US white women win the vote.

Aug. 28, Celebration of the birth of Krishna. Hinduism. Equally
  important to 12/25.

Aug. 28, 1963 50th Anniversary of March on Washington-more than
  250,000 people march for jobs & freedom. MLK Jr. gives "I have a
  Dream" speech. Coordinated by brilliant & closeted gay organizer,
  Bayard Rustin.

Aug. 29, 1957 2,230 people watch nuclear blast at close range so
  military officers can watch how they are affected. Nevada Testing

Aug. 29, 2005 Hurrican Katrina kills 1500, slams New Orleans/Gulf
  Coast while Bush takes THREE days to respond at all. Makes clear
  racist priorites of Bush/Cheny pro-corporate regime. Would Obama
  have done differently? nope.

--edited from 2013 Peace calendar by Syracuse Cultural Workers

The Green Party of California is seeking independent contractors
for a variety of positions: fundraiser, organizer, and press
secretary. To get more details, or to apply, see their web page:


Paid contractor wanted: SF Green Party Fundraiser/Volunteer Coordinator
(a part time independent contractor (1099) position):


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news at sfgreens.org. Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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